High School Injury Prevention Coalition Bylaws
The official name of this corporation shall be: High School Injury Prevention Coalition Inc.
The purpose of this corporation is to provide injury prevention activities in local high schools. This corporation will foster a collaborative community effort to decrease impaired and distracted driving and to increase seatbelt use through outreach programs and activities in local high schools.
Collaborate with other organizations to inform the public of South Carolina and
obtain support for activities in injury prevention.
Assist and cooperate with medical, scientific, legal, and nonprofit organizations interested in prevention of injuries in the state of South Carolina.
Educate and train such persons as nurses, hospital personnel, EMT’s, Law Enforcement, and other personnel in injury prevention methods.
Support the creation of community programs to prevent injuries.
Conduct programs in local high schools.
General membership shall be granted to individuals involved or interested in injury prevention in the high school age population. Decisions to grant membership are made without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, or age.
A. The officers and terms of office shall be as follows:
President – 2 years
Vice President – 2 years
Secretary – 2 years
Treasurer – 2 years
School Coordinator-2 years
B. Duties of the Officers:
1. Shall preside over all general and Board of Directors meetings.
2. Shall be empowered to call emergency meetings of the general membership in situations where action is needed prior to the next scheduled meeting.
3. Shall be the official to sign and /or authorize operational issues related to the organization, but only after discussion and agreement of a majority of the members of the Board of Directors.
4. Shall make distribution of funds, as needed, in the absence of the Treasurer.
5. The President and Treasurer shall be co-signers of the Checking and Certificate of Deposit accounts
Vice President
1. Shall assume the duties of the President in his/her absence.
2. Coordinates the election process of officers for the organization.
3. May serve as an ex-officio member of any and all committees.
1. Shall keep the minutes and attendance records at all general membership and Board of Directors meetings.
2. Shall email meeting notices to all members prior to a scheduled meeting.
3. Shall mail copies of previous minutes upon request.
4. Shall maintain current list of members.
5. Shall be responsible for all organizational correspondence.
6. Shall maintain records and copies of pertinent documents.
1. Shall make a current financial statement available on a regular basis (first meeting of each year or when requested by the Board).
2. Shall prepare an itemized account of sponsored events.
3. Shall collect all funds and shall have custody of such.
4. Shall make distribution of said funds upon the order of the Board of Directors.
5. The President and the Treasurer shall be the co-signers for the Checking and Certificate of Deposit accounts.
6. Shall be responsible for maintaining the Checking and Certificate of Deposit accounts.
7. Shall make appropriate payments for services contracted by HSIPC in a timely manner. The Board or a majority of members present must approve any non-budgeted expenditure exceeding $500.00.
School Coordinator
1. Shall oversee activities in individual schools related to HSIPC programs
2. Shall report to General Business Meeting the activities of each school
3. Shall oversee and mentor the individual school liaisons.
Replacement of Officers:
In the event that any vacancy of an officer occurs, the Board of Directors shall immediately appoint an interim replacement for that position. The Vice president shall notify the members of said change, and solicit nominations for a replacement to serve the remainder of the term at the next scheduled meeting. Elections for the replacement shall take place at the following meeting.
In the event that an officer fails to fulfill his/her duties to the organization, he/she may be replaced by a majority vote of the Board of Directors at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall be composed of all elected officers. The Board of Directors shall be empowered to speak for the membership in situations where a quick response to an issue or decision is needed. A minimum representation at meetings where decisions will be made for the HSIPC organization is the President and three other members of the Board. In all other matters, the general membership present shall be consulted.
Ad-Hoc committees may be created at the direction of the membership during organizational association meetings.
All meetings of both the general membership and the Board of Directors shall be open to the public. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the guides to parliamentary procedure. The presiding officer of each meeting shall have the authority to designate a parliamentarian to decide questions of parliamentary procedure.
The President shall have the authority to call special meetings of the Board of Directors and the general membership.
A quorum shall be defined as 2/3 of membership present as referenced in Robert’s Rules.
Meetings of the general membership shall be held at a minimum four times per calendar year.
Bylaws shall be reviewed annually and as requested by the Board of Directors or the membership. Bylaw amendments shall be circulated at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which time they will be considered for adoption. Amendments to the Bylaws shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present for passage.
This organization may be dissolved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the meeting called for the purpose of considering dissolution provided notice of the meeting of at least thirty (30) days has been given to the general membership. In the event of dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed to Safe Kids Trident Area.
Approved and enacted by the Board of Directors:
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President Date
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Vice President Date
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Secretary Date
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Treasurer Date
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School Coordinator Date
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School Coordinator Date
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Immediate Past President Date